Monday, March 1, 2010

Bidding A Final Adieu

Yes guys a enriching and fulfilling trip has come to an end unexpectedly. Initially a 3 month trip was scheduled but as per the work requirements my trip was rescheduled and it was made of 1.5 months..

Well so am I happy or am I sad?

Well I am more than happy. I have lived everyday here as it was my last day on earth. This is the best thing I learnt. The real meaning of this adage "Live everyday as if it is last day on earth." I will never forget the experiences of this trip. Especially this, the final one.....

Eating rice with chopsticks

To give a final 'Au rev our' a team dinner was organised by our Korean team mates. We were CORDIALLY(pun fully intended) invited to a PORK restaurant. We were like "HELL nnnnnnno". But then we thought lets see and have this experience also before leaving Korea....we nodded and went there.
ohhhhhhhh the smell itself was unbearable it was like choking ourselves to death. But still forbearance and gratitude is what my mother land has taught me we restrained ourselves and entered the arena with full courage...(Yeah it was like a Gladiator fight for us )
but then what we will eat....they ordered cold drinks , soup and rice for us ... and what to eat with it ... chopsticks, of course.....
I thought after all it should not be that tough if these koreans can do we are far more better learners then these guys....I watched carefully the handling of chopsticks in a hand of korean and tried it with my chopsticks ....
Well at first it was damn difficult and all my friends ordered spoons but I relentlessly tried . Actually it requires a threshold strength in the left side of the right palm to hold a chopstick and eat with it. But still after few trials I was able to make it ..The trick was to handle it properly...I showed these Koreans what is Indian soil made of ... flexibility to so many religions, caste, creed is what we are taught from the nurseries so entry of one more culture should not be difficult at all...


But after some time I realized that no there are something that we, not as a hindu muslim or any other religious fanatics, but as a Indians, consider blasphemous...
They told me that in Korean culture there are four phases of dinner...
First phase is a starter phase... well thats fine whatever might be ur starters...
Second phase is Bear n chicken phase ....well whatever
Third phase is a disco (not a normal disco) phase
and fourth phase is a Group sex phase....
I was like stunned on hearing about this is what these guys means here when they say "Sex is legal"
Well we finished our rice eating ceremony (first phase) and enjoyed our way back to home...discussing about the phases.... ;)
They continued with their dinner phases....
I don't know may be I am being a bit conservative or what but it was indigestible....but it is a culture....we also have many strange things in our culture....I was entangled between a fight of "Right vs Wrong" again..
Well what I concluded is respecting the culture, just doesn't mean to forget your owns and submit to it but it just mean to restrict yourself from saying or doing things that goes against the culture in which you are living....
It again gave me a practical lesson of life
"NO body is right no body is wrong but we are all just different".

Well guys this is it here I stand bidding a final adieu to Korea and opening my arms to receive a warm welcoming hug from India.


  1. Wow!! amazing phases of dinner?? why dint u describe the rest of phases..i was hoping you would describe as to what would be the last phase like :D

  2. @pandey u are so intelligent for that stuff..:)if i would have described it would have been a blasphemy on ur intelligence

  3. finally u had only one phase right....
    u should have tried the other phases also..
    be like a roman in rome.....
